La violenza endofamiliare

La violenza endofamiliare

La violenza di genere ed in particolar modo la violenza endofamiliare, è un fenomeno di cui tristemente sono inflazionate le cronache (e le aule di giustizia) e che, in maniera preoccupante, sfocia, assai sovente, in epiloghi tragici e funesti. Si tratta di un fenomeno molto complesso, trasversale (che prescinde dal ceto sociale, da dati anagrafici,…


The Case PETROBRAS – International Protection of Shareholders

in News

Petroleo Brasileiro SA is one of the leading oil companies in the world and one of the most important industries of Brazil. Petrobras is a Brazilian company controlled by the state – which owns 55% of the voting rights – and is involved in extraction, refining and sale of oil. The shares of Petrobras were…


Italian Citizenship by Descent

The problems related to the new procedure to request residence permits Alla C.A. Redazione Progetto Melting Pot The AC Drafting Project Melting Pot Following the changes introduced by the new procedure for the request of residence permits in Italy (circular from the Ministry of the Interior of 7 December 2006) to date, we are confronted…


Unincorporated Participation

The society participation, according to Brazilian legislation (SCP – sociedade em conta de Participação), is a particular type of society, provided for in the Brazilian Civil Code, Articles. 991 et seq .. This type of company, is characterized by the lack of legal personality of the same, as well as exemption from any kind of…